Gen 3 Predictions: Move Sets of Fully Evolved Pokemon (Hariyama – Manectric)

Gen 3 Predictions: Move Sets of Fully Evolved Pokemon (Hariyama – Manectric)

The Pokemon Company International revealed the upcoming Pokemon Go’s Halloween Event and teased us with possibility of Generation 3 release.

If Gen 3 is released it will bring in some new movesets to the game. Here are the predictions by reddit user pdiz8133 of potential movesets for Generation 3 Pokemon.

Prediction will be in following parts:

  1. Sceptile to Shiftry
  2. Swellow to Exploud
  3. Hariyama to Manectric
  4. Plusle to Camerupt
  5. Torkoal to Seviper
  6. Lunatone to Milotic
  7. Castform to Walrein
  8. Huntail to Metagross
  9. Legendaries


One of the big changes that came with generation 2 was a move set reshuffle. New moves were added, most older moves were adjusted and re-balanced, and older Pokemon had their learn-able moves change. I decided to take a look at Generation 3 Pokemon and see if I could predict what might be in store when generation 3 launches.

Something to keep in mind is that moves as we know them will change so for example, Fire Spin/Overheat may no longer be an amazing move set and Heat Wave could become the Outrage of Fire and now reigns king. One thing to note, I am disregarding wildly out of place moves (such as Solar Beam Typhlosion or Fire Blast Slowking). While I am sure they will happen, I see no point trying to predict them.


Here I will include a list of new moves I am predicting we might see with Generation 3. You will see these moves throughout my posts. I will not guess the DPS or damage of them, just that they will make an appearance. This will only update to reflect moves I plan to cover in the current post or have been covered in previous posts.

Blaze KickFireCharge
Disarming VoiceFairyQuick (Was Charge)
*Muddy WaterWaterCharge
Sky UppercutFightingCharge

*Not fully committed to the idea that it will be introduced

Hariyama – Fighting – Max CP: 2765

Attack: 209

Defense: 114

Stamina: 288

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Low Kick/Counter/Rock Smash/Arm Thrust: Hariyama does not learn any of the current fast Fighting Quick moves naturally. In fact he only ever learns Low Kick, Counter, and Rock Smash and none seem very fitting so I think that Niantic might take this opportunity to introduce a new Fighting Quick move; Arm Thrust.
  • Knock Off: This is another new move for Pokemon Go. This was introduced in Generation 3 and is a pretty commonly used move for a lot of Pokemon.

Charge Moves:

  • Close Combat: Hariyama’s main Fighting type move. This will definitely be one of the three Charge moves for Hariyama.
  • Heavy Slam: The last move that Hariyama learns naturally and a fitting, thematic move.
  • Body Slam: While Hariyama does not learn this move naturally, it is fitting and unless they want to introduce Force Palm, Vital Throw, or Wake-Up Slap as a Charge move than this is the best bet.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Bullet Punch, Counter, Feint Attack, Hidden Power, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Poison Jab, Rock Smash, Tackle

Charge Moves:

Body Slam, Brick Break, Brine, Bulldoze, Close CombatCross Chop, Dig, Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Focus Blast, Heavy Slam, Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Low Sweep, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch

Nosepass – Rock – Max CP: 831

Attack: 82

Defense: 236

Stamina: 60

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Rock Throw: The first rock move Nosepass learns and a very likely Quick move for Pokemon Go.
  • Spark: The Nosepass line has a tendency to learn Electric moves due to the magnetic theme present in their design. Spark is a naturally learned move for Nosepass and a very likely candidate for Pokemon Go.

Charge Moves:

  • Rock Slide/Power Gem/Rock Blast/Stone Edge/Rock Tomb: Nosepass learns the first three of these back to back to back as he levels and Stone Edge is the strongest Rock move Nosepasses learn. All are very likely so it is hard to pick just one. The last option, Rock Tomb, is the TM given out by Roxanne in Generation 3 and her signature Pokemon is Nosepass.
  • Discharge/Zap Cannon: Again, another situation where both are learned naturally through leveling and both are very fitting.
  • Earth Power: This is my last choice for a Charge move for Nosepass. While Niantic may choose to double down on a Rock move or Electric move, I think that they will opt to introduce Earth Power as a new Ground type Chrage move. This move is the only Ground type move that Nosepass learns naturally and is one of the favorites for Nosepass users.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Hidden Power, Mud-Slap, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Spark, Tackle, Volt Switch

Charge Moves:

Ancient Power, Body Slam, Bulldoze, Dazzling Gleam, Discharge, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Power GemRock BlastRock SlideRock TombStone Edge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon

Delcatty – Normal – Max CP: 1385

Attack: 132

Defense: 132

Stamina: 140

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Disarming Voice: Another use for the current Fairy Charge move. Disarming Voice is learned naturally by Skitty very early.
  • Feint Attack: Niantic may choose to add a STAB benefiting move to Delcatty like Tackle or they may just choose to go with another naturally learned Quick move, Feint Attack.

Charge Moves:

  • Facade: Maybe thanks to Norman in the original games but Delcatty are some times associated with Facade even though it is not a naturally learned move.
  • Play Rough: This is a naturally learned move of Skitty’s and is the last move learned.
  • ???: I am going to be honest here, Delcatty has a very small movepool for naturally learned moves and is rarely used as an attacker in general. I expect Niantic to put something random here but I have no way to guess it.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Charge Beam, Feint Attack, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Rock Smash, Sucker Punch, Tackle, Zen Headbutt

Charge Moves:

Blizzard, Body Slam, Dig, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Mud Bomb, Play Rough, Shadow Ball, Solar Beam, Swift, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Water Pulse, Wild Charge

Sableye – Dark/Ghost – Max CP: 1305

Attack: 141

Defense: 141

Stamina: 100

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Shadow Claw: Learned naturally by Sableye and Sableye is known for scratching things thus it is fitting.
  • Knock Off/Sucker Punch/Feint Attack: All contribute STAB for the Dark type and all are commonly used and thematically fitting for Sableye. Only Sucker Punch is not learned naturally.

Charge Moves:

  • Shadow Ball/Shadow Sneak: Both are learned naturally and both fill the Ghost typing for Sableye.
  • Foul Play: The last damaging move learned naturally by Sableye in the games, a fitting Charge move for Pokemon Go.
  • Power Gem: While the typing is not as thematically themed, this is a move learned naturally by Sableye and the move itself fits thematically due to Sableye and it’s love of gems.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Astonish, Counter, Cut, Feint Attack, Fury Cutter, Hidden Power, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Poison Jab, Rock Smash, Scratch, Shadow ClawSnarlSucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Charge Moves:

Aerial Ace, Body Slam, Brick Break, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Dig, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Sweep, Night ShadeOminous Wind, Power Gem, Psychic, Rock Tomb, Shadow BallShadow Sneak, Signal Beam, Thunder Punch, Water Pulse

Mawile – Steel/Fairy – Max CP: 1484

Attack: 155

Defense: 155

Stamina: 100

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Bite/Sucker Punch: Mawile does not learn a Steel Quick move however it does learn Bite and Sucker Punch. Bite fits thematically with the mouth attached to Mawile and it is very commonly known to use Sucker Punch so I thought it fitting for Pokemon Go.
  • Fairy Wind: The one move everyone is expecting to be a Fairy type Quick move. This is one of two Fairy type moves that Mawile learns naturally.

Charge Moves:

  • Iron Head: The strongest Steel move that Mawile learns naturally and a fitting move for Pokemon Go.
  • Play Rough: Same exact reasons as Iron Head except this is a Fairy move.
  • Crunch: Again, fits thematically with Mawile’s design and is learned naturally by Mawile. A very common move for Mawiles.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Asontish, Bite, Charge Beam, Counter, Feint Attack, Fire Fang, Hidden Power, Mud-Slap, Rock Smash, Sucker Punch

Charge Moves:

Ancient Power, Body Slam, Brick Break, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Dynamic Punch, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Foul Play, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron HeadPlay Rough, Poison Fang, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Vice Grip

Aggron – Steel/Rock – Max CP: 3004

Attack: 198

Defense: 314

Stamina: 140

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Metal Claw/Iron Tail: Both Steel Quick moves and both learned naturally by the Aggron line. Either is very likely.
  • Mud-Slap: Unfortunately, unless Rollout or Smack Down is introduced as a Quick move, Aggron does not learn any Rock Quick moves. Mud-Slap is naturally learned and a very common move on Aron.

Charge Moves:

  • Iron Head/Heavy Slam: Realistically, I could see Aggron getting both of these moves as Charge moves but for the time being, let’s assume that only one is assigned to Aggron.
  • Stone Edge: Similarly to Rhydon, Stone Edge is an extremely common move for Aggrons.
  • Earthquake: Same reasoning as Stone Edge although this move is a Ground type, which Aggron is not.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Counter, Cut, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail, Fury Cutter, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Metal Claw, Mud-Slap, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Tackle

Charge Moves:

Aerial Ace, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Blizzard, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Dark Pulse, Dig, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Heavy Slam, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Outrage, Rock SlideRock Tomb, Solar Beam, Stone Edge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Water Pulse

Medicham – Fighting/Psychic – Max CP: 1275

Attack: 121

Defense: 152

Stamina: 120

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Zen Headbutt: While this move was not introduced until Generation 4, it has been retrofitted to become a staple of Medicham’s moveset. I could see Confusion getting the nod but Zen Headbutt is much more likely. Psycho Cut may make an appearance but is less likely than the first two mentioned.
  • Counter: This is the last move learned naturaly by a Medicham and I fully expect Medicham to receive this as a Quick move.

Charge Moves:

  • Brick Break/Dynamic Punch: Both common Fighting moves for Medicham although neither are learned naturally.
  • Psychic/Psyshock: The only two Psychic Charge moves learned by Medicham, also not learned naturally.
  • High Jump Kick: I think that this Generation is finally the one to introduce this move (Hitmonlee appreciates it). This is one of the only strong Fighting type moves Medicham learns naturally.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Bullet Punch, ConfusionCounter, Hidden Power, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Poison Jab, Psycho CutRock SmashZen Headbutt

Charge Moves:

Body Slam, Brick BreakDynamic Punch, Energy Ball, Fire Punch, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Low SweepPsychicPsyshock, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Swift, Thunder Punch

Manectric – Electric – Max CP: 2131

Attack: 215

Defense: 127

Stamina: 140

Predicted Moves

Quick Moves:

  • Spark: The standard Electric move of Elektrikes everywhere. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if they introduced Thunder Fang as an Electric Quick move here.
  • Bite: Dogs like to Bite and so does Manectric. The only non-Electric, non-Normal move that Manectric learns naturally.

Charge Moves:

  • Discharge: The first strong Electric type move that Manectric learns is conveniently already a Charge move in Pokemon Go. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shock Wave was introduced or Thunder replaced this move.
  • Wild Charge: The thematic Electric move for Mancetric’s everywhere.
  • Crunch: This zappy pup likes to bite things and Crunch is yet again fitting.

Current Available Moves

Quick Moves:

Bite, Charge Beam, Fire Fang, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Quick Attack, Snarl, Spark, Tackle, Volt Switch

Charge Moves:

Body Slam, Crunch, Discharge, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Overheat, Signal Beam, Swift, ThunderThunderboltWild Charge

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