Mewtwo is one of the most powerful Legendary Raid Boss in Pokemon GO. A solo trainer can not defeat it, so please do not even try. As far as how many trainers are required to take it down, is unknown.
Mewtwo is a pure PSYCHIC type, resulting in a number of solid counters and second team choices.
Mewtwo Boss CP is 49430 and it can have Max Capture CP of 2275 (Level 20, perfect IV score).
Mewtwo Raid Counters
Legendary | Counters | |||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Mewtwo |
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Detailed Eplaintion of Mewtwo Raid Counters
Dark type Pokemon are best counter to Mewtwo, as they are resistant to Psychic. The Best Pokemon against MewTwo is Tyranitar with strong Dark type moves and strong stats. However, a Mewtwo with three Focus Blast FIGHTING (140 PWR) as it’s charge move, will deal devastating lethal damage to a Tyranitar if it’s hit so dodging is mandatory.
The rest of the counters are rather straightforward, utilizing Mewtwo’s type weaknesses. Be aware that almost every non-Tyrantiar counter on this list is rather squishy – dodge, dodge and then dodge some more to deal the maximum amount of damage.
A special note needs to be said about a Mewtwo fighting another Mewtwo, as this is a fight fire with fire scenario. In order for this to work, you need to use a Shadow Ball Mewtwo, utilizing SE damage and dodging everything the opponent does.
If you already have defeated Mewtwo and have catch one, then you should use it as well. It is one of the best attacker in the game.
Last two Pokemon we would recommend are:
- Dragonite with Outrage – good generalist, lasts long
- Blissey with anything – ONLY as a 6 slot filler. She will survive everything, but people around you will hate you. Prevents rejoin bug.
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